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Conservation Commission Minutes 09/10/2015
Chichester Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting (2nd Thursdays at 7 pm)
Draft Minutes of Meeting September 10, 2015
Grange Hall, Selectmen’s Office

Members Present:  Bob Mann, Zack Boyajian, Gordon Jones, Jim Eggers, Marianne Hromis

Guests: Jim Plunkett

Call to Order by at 7:07 pm

Land Conservation:  Discussion with Jim Plunkett regarding possible conservation easement on approximately 89 acres of land off of Bear Hill Road including possible access point along Bear Hill Road to proposed easement land behind existing and proposed lots.  Value of the easement to the town includes limiting development of residential housing (13 possible lots), protection of wildlife habitat, continued access for passive recreation and protection of watershed feeding wetland and stream adjacent to Chichester Central School.    This easement would abut both school land and Carpenter Memorial Park.

Discussion of letter from Five Rivers Conservation Trust regarding possible easement of 150 acres in 4 lots on Pleasant Street owner by the Scheirer Family.  Five Rivers wants to know if the town is interested in participating in the easement, which includes agricultural lands.  The Commission agreed to respond to Five Rivers that we were interested in learning more about the parcels and how we would participate.

Marrianne discussed concerns regarding use of sheep to control invasive plants at Carpenter Park.  She is selling most of her sheep and is also concerned about liability if one of the sheep escaped and caused and accident.  She currently doesn’t have farm insurance.  She will get an updated cost proposal from previously picked pesticide applicator.  Proposal from last year was $2350.  Concerns about what kind of funding to use was discussed.  Zack proposed discussing the project with Parks and Recreation Commission for possible inclusion in next year’s budget.

Minutes of the meetings on August 13, 2015 were approved.

•     Continued correspondence regarding the Shirley Waters Estate.
•     Correspondence from NH Department of Environmental Services regarding Hilliard Road culvert and bridge repair wetland permit.
•     Letter from NH Association on Conservation Commission (NHACC) notice of annual dues for of $296.  Bob Mann made motion to approve payment of dues from operation budget.  Motion seconded by Marrianne and approved unanimously.
•     Announcement annual workshop of the NHACC Workshop November 7th 2015 At Pembroke Academy.  Funds are available for member to attend.
•     Letters from NH Department of Environmental Services regarding wetland violation on Marsh Pond that corrective actions were acceptable.  
•     Letter from NH Department of Transportation about Meeting August 18th regarding Route 4 improvement scheduled for 2016.
•     Letters from NH Department of Environmental Services regarding Above-ground Storage Tank System application for Pullman Concrete.
•     Letters from NH Department of Environmental Services regarding Temporary Ground Water Discharge Permit for Chichester Mobile.

Agenda items not already covered
a.      Spaulding Town Forest: Surveying contract administrative error.  Commission amended approval of expenditure for contract with TF Bernier to not to exceed $1600 instead of Not to exceed $1400 to be in line with both the contract and what was approved by warrant at town meeting.
b.      Carpenter Park:  Zack updated commission on Parks and Recreation commission activities at Carpenter Park including the planning for the new park building, trail fencing, other trail repairs and removal of log cabin.
c.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: Nothing reported.
d.      Easement stewardship.  Nothing reported.

Meeting adjourned at 9:07 pm.

Next Meeting: Thursday October 8th Selectman’s Office

Minutes Approved: